11g R2 Oracle Data Guard Setup for Physical Standby Database

Switching to a DataGuard structure (primary - standby) increases a single instance database's accessibility.

Configuration of SQL*NET

Step 1: Configuration of TNSNAMES.ORA

/Oracle/11G/network/admin/tnsnames.ora in the Primary DB

Copy the file to StandbyDB

Step 2: Configuration of LISTENER.ORA

In the Standby DB

Preparation of standby database

Step 1:

The standby database should be set up in the same way as a regular Oracle database structure (should use the same directories as the primary database).

The DBMS application should be set up before creating the database (this can be done by selecting “software only” during setup, after which create a listener using netca.)

Step 2:

Configure the /home/oracle/.bash_profile file with the below parameter in server.


Step 3:

Create /Oracle/11G/dbs/initerp.ora in the Standby DB using vi.

Finding out its path using select name from v$controlfile

Step 4:

Make the directories in the Standby DB.

<<Configuration of primary database                                                               Creation of standby database>>