In addition to a database instance, other structures are also created.
Examples of these are:
Data Dictionary: Stores information regarding database objects.
Dynamic Performance Tables: Used to monitor a database and instance information in order to increase its performance.
PL/SQL Packages: Scripts used to add a variety of functions to a database. The catproc.spl is what’s used to run all required scripts after creating a database.
Database Event Triggers: Procedures that can be activated by user or other events such as dbms operations, changes to a table or a view.
Data Dictionary
A vital component that is central to the Oracle DBMS. An important resource for database users, application developers and database administrators (dba).
Tables and views are created by reading salts and are queried using select statements.
Located in the system tablespace, the data dictionary’s owner is the sys user.
Maintained by the Oracle server.
As Data Definition Language (DDL) statements covering create, alter, drop, rename, truncate syntaxes and Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements covering insert, update, delete, merge syntaxes get executed the server updates the data dictionary
The 2 components of a Data Dictionary
Base Tables:
Contain the definitions of the data dictionary. Can be made using the “create database” (after running the oracle server sql.bsq script).
Normally access to a base table would be limited to Oracle Server, users would rarely have direct access to base tables as the data that it contains is encoded in binary format.
Data Dictionary Views:
Data Dictionary views are summaries of base tables. They allow base tables to be used more frequently. After entering the “create database” command, the catalog.sql script is run to create database views.
catalog.sql: Creates frequently used Data Dictionary views and Synonyms (an alternative term for schema objects).
catproq.sql: Runs the necessary scripts for servers.
The above files are located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin. (Further information can be found in the manually creating a database article).
Contents of the Data Dictionary
Information regarding schema objects.
The logical and physical structure of the database.
Uses of the database fields.
All restrictions.
Oracle Server’s data dictionary is used for information about privileged users, schema objecta and storage structures. The data dictionary gets updated as DDL (create, alter, drop, rename, truncate) statements are run.
DBA_xxx: All the objects stored in the database.
ALL_xxx: Access authorisation of connected users and objects belonging to them.
USER_xxx: Objects belonging to a connected user.
When connected under the sys account, 50400 objects get retrieved.
1 |
SQLPLUS;select owner, object_name, object_type from dba_objects ; |
Using the dictionary and dict_columns it is possible to get information about data dictionary views.
Schema Objects: dba_tables; DBA_indexes, dba_tab_columns, dba_constraints
Space Allocation: dba_segments, dba_extents
Database Structure: dba_tablespaces, dba_datafiles,
1 |
select * from all_catalog where owner=mehmet; |
dict – an abbreviation of dictionary. Contains the names and descriptions of all the tables in the data dictionary.
1 |
SELECT * FROM dict WHERE table_name LIKE '%LINKS%' |
USER_DB_LINKS | Database links owned by the user |
ALL_DB_LINKS | Database links accessible to the user |
DBA_DB_LINKS | All database links in the database |
To display Oracle server’s version
1 |
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition | |
PL/SQL | |
TNS for Linux: | |
Data Dictionary views
Dynamic Performance View
Oracle Server writes all activities to virtual tables which are called Dynamic Performance Views.
- These virtual tables are in RAM only when the database is active.
- Updated in real time while the database is active.
- Inaccessible to most database users, access is limited to DBAs and users that have been given select rights.
- Can be called a Fixed Table as it can’t be deleted or changed.
- Contents can be accessed by Control Files.
- Used for monitoring and tuning purposes.
- Is owned by the sys user.
- Names are prefixed with v$.
- Listed in v$fixed_table.
This information can be stored using Oracle 10G’s Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) feature. Dynamic Performance Views are especially useful for making comparisons.
Updated information regarding Principal Data Dictionary Views and Dynamic Performance Views listed below can be found on -> Oracle Database Documentation, 10g Release 2 (10.2).
Principal Data Dictionary Views
NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS : Date/Time formats, Language and other settings.
GLOBAL_NAME : The database’s global name
ALL_CATALOG : The tables that a user can access (even if they don’t own them). Views, synonyms and information about queues.
ALL_COL_COMMENTS : Comments on the columns of tables and views that the current user can access.
ALL_COL_PRIVS : Information regarding the columns that the current user can access.
ALL_COL_PRIVS_MADE : Information regarding the column object grants given by the current user.
ALL_COL_PRIVS_RECD : Description of Column Object Grants where A. the current user is the grantee & B. an enable role or PUBLIC is the grantee.
ALL_CONSTRAINTS : Definitions of constraints on tables accessible to the current user.
ALL_CONS_COLUMNS : Columns that the current user can access and specified in constraints.
ALL_DB_LINKS : The database that the current user can access.
ALL_DEF_AUDIT_OPTS : The default options applied to objects that are created.
ALL_DEPENDENCIES : The dependencies between the following: functions, packages, package bodies, procedures and triggers that the current users can access. Included are dependencies on views created without any database links.
ALL_ERRORS : The errors of stored objects that the current user can access.
ALL_INDEXES : Descriptions of the table indexes that the current user can access.
ALL_IND_COLUMNS : Descriptions of the columns of indexes of the tables that the current user can access.
ALL_OBJECTS : The objects that the current user has access rights to.
ALL_SEQUENCES : The sequences that the current user can access.
ALL_SNAPSHOTS : Snapshots are an alternative name for materialized views. Snapshots/Materialized Views are used to to replicate data.
All snapshots describes the snapshots that are accessible to the current user. Oracle recommends that ALL_MVIEWS is used instead.
ALL_SOURCE : The text sources of the stored objects.
ALL_SYNONYMS : The synonyms accessible to the current user (A synonym in Oracle is an alternative name given to: tables, views, user defined types, other synonyms, stored functions, packages, Java class schema objects, materialized views and sequences).
ALL_TABLES : Descriptions of accessible relational tables.
ALL_TAB_COLUMNS : The table columns, views and clusters that the current user can access.
ALL_TAB_COMMENTS : Information about comments regarding all user accessible tables, clusters and views.
ALL_TAB_PRIVS : Information about the rights of all user accessible objects.
ALL_TAB_PRIVS_MADE : Details about the rights given by objects.
ALL_TAB_PRIVS_RECD : Describes A. The object grants that the current user has given & B. Object grants of an enabled role or PUBLIC.
ALL_TRIGGERS : The table triggers accessible by the current user.
ALL_TRIGGER_COLS : Information regarding the use of columns in triggers accessible to the current user & in triggers on tables accessible to the current user.
ALL_USERS : All users of the database that the current user can view. Not a description of the users.
ALL_VIEWS : All the views that the current user has access to.
CAT : A synonym for USER_CATALOG.
CLU : A synonym for USER_CLUSTERS.
COLS : A synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS.
DBA_CATALOG : A view that describes all the tables, views, synonyms and queues in the database.
DBA_CLUSTERS : Information about all the clusters in the database.
DBA_CLU_COLUMNS : A mapping of all the table columns to related cluster columns.
DBA_COL_COMMENTS : A view of the comments of columns of all the database’s tables and views.
DBA_COL_PRIVS : All of the database’s column object grants.
DBA_CONSTRAINTS : The contraint definitions of all tables.
DBA_CONS_COLUMNS : The database’s columns that have been specified in the constraints.
DBA_DATA_FILES : A description of database files.
DBA_DB_LINKS : All of the database links in the database.
DBA_DDL_LOCKS : Lists all DDL locks, including outstanding requests, in the database.
DBA_DEPENDENCIES : All database dependencies between packages, package bodies, triggers, functions, procedures plus dependecies on views without db links.
DBA_DML_LOCKS : A list of all DML locks, including outstanding requests, in the database.
DBA_ERRORS : The current errors on all stored objects.
DBA_EXP_FILES : A description of all export files.
DBA_EXP_OBJECTS : Objects that have been exported incrementally.
DBA_EXP_VERSION : The last export session’s version number.
DBA_EXTENTS : The extents belonging to all the segments of all tablespaces.
DBA_FREE_SPACE : The free extents in all of the tablespaces.
DBA_INDEXES : All of the indexes in the database.
DBA_IND_COLUMNS : A description of the columns of all of the indexes on all tables and clusters.
DBA_LOCKS : All locks or latches, including outstanding requests, in the database.
DBA_OBJECTS : All objects in the database.
DBA_OBJECT_SIZE : The size of PL/SQL objects, in bytes.
DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS : The auditing options of all objects.
DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS : The system privileges that are being audited across the system and by user.
DBA_PROFILES : All profiles and their limits.
DBA_ROLE_PRIVS : The roles that have ben granted to all database roles and users.
DBA_ROLES : A listing of all the roles in the database.
DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS : Information about rollback egments (also includes extent information and segment status).
DBA_SEGMENTS : The allocated storage for the segments in the database.
DBA_SEQUENCES : All the sequences in the database.
DBA_SNAPSHOTS : Information about all of the snapshots in a database.
DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS : Details about all of the snapshot backups.
DBA_SOURCE : Information about all of the objects that have been stored in the database.
DBA_STMT_AUDIT_OPTS : The current system auditing option configuration in the dbms and made by the user.
DBA_SYNONYMS : All synonyms in the database.
DBA_SYS_PRIVS : The system privileges that have been granted to users and roles.
DBA_TABLES : All of the relational tables in the database.
DBA_TABLESPACES : All of the tablespaces in the database that the current user can access.
DBA_TAB_COLUMNS : All the columns of tables, views and clusters in the database.
DBA_TAB_PRIVS : All object grants in the database.
DBA_TRIGGERS : All of the triggers in the database.
DBA_TS_QUOTAS : Tablespace quotas allocated to all of the database’s users.
DBA_USERS : Description of all of the users in the database.
DBA_VIEWS : All views in the database.
DBA_WAITERS : All of the sessions waiting for a lock.
DBMS_ALERT_INFO : A description of all of the registered alerts.
ROLE_TAB_PRIVS : The table privileges that have been granted to roles (limited to the roles for which the user has access rights).
SESSION_PRIVS : The privileges that the user currently has.
SESSION_ROLES : The roles enabled to the user at the moment.
TABLE_PRIVILEGES : A view containing all objects that the user is allowed access to.
TABS USER_TABLES : A synonym for user tables.
USER_AUDIT_OBJECT : The audit trail records for statements regarding objects that the current user is allowed to access.
USER_AUDIT_SESSION : The audit trail records regarding user connections and disconnections.
USER_AUDIT_STATEMENT : Lists audit trails for the GRANT, REVOKE, AUDIT, NOAUDIT and ALTER SYSTEM statements issued by the user.
USER_AUDIT_TRAIL : The audit tails relevant to the current user.
USER_CATALOG : The indexes, tables, views, clusters, synonyms and sequences owned by the current user.
USER_CLUSTERS : All the clusters owned by the current user.
USER_CLU_COLUMNS : The comments of tables and views that the current user owns.
USER_COL_COMMENTS : Comments on tables and views that the current user owns.
USER_COL_PRIVS : Column object grants where the user is the obejct owner/grantor/grantee.
USER_COL_PRIVS_MADE : The column object grants where the current user is the object owner.
USER_COL_PRIVS_RECD : Column object grants where the current user is the grantee.
USER_CONSTRAINTS : The constraint definitions on the tables that the current user owns.
USER_CONS_COLUMNS : A description of the columns that the current user owns and are specified in constraint definitions.
USER_DB_LINKS : The database links owned by the current user, the PASSWORD column in this view (in 10g) is maintained for backward compatibility.
USER_DEPENDENCIES : A description of the dependencies between packages, package bodies, triggers, procedures, funtions and the view dependencies without any database links that the current user owns.
USER_ERRORS : The current errors on all of the stored objects that the current user owns.
USER_EXTENTS : A description of the segment comprised extents that the current user’s obejcts own.
USER_FREE_SPACE : The free extents in the tablespaces that the current user can access.
USER_INDEXES : Indexes owned by the current user.
USER_IND_COLUMNS : A description of the columns of indexes and columns of indexes on tables that the current user owns.
USER_OBJECTS : A description of all objects owned by the current user.
USER_OBJECT_SIZE : A list of the sizes, in bytes, of a variety of PL/SQL objects.
USER_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS : A list of all the auditing characteristics of the objects that the current user owns.
USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS : The resource limits for the current user.
USER_ROLE_PRIVS : The roles granted to the current user.
USER_SEGMENTS : The storage allocated for the segments that the current user’s objects own.
USER_SEQUENCES : The sequences that the current user owns.
USER_SNAPSHOTS : All the snapshots that the current user owns.
USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS : A list of all the snapshot logs that the current user owns.
USER_SOURCE : The text source of all the stored objects that the current user owns.
USER_SYNONYMS : The synonyms that the current user owns, also known as private synonyms.
USER_SYS_PRIVS : The system privileges granted to the current user.
USER_TABLES : The relational tables owned by the current user.
USER_TABLESPACES : The tablespaces that the current user can access.
USER_TAB_PRIVS : The object grants for which the current user is the object owner/grantor/grantee.
USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE : The object grants where the current user is the object owner.
USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD : The object grants where the current user is the grantee.
USER_TRIGGERS : All of triggers owner by the current user.
USER_TRIGGER_COLS : The use of columns in triggers owned by the current user and on tables owned by the current user.
USER_TS_QUOTAS : Information regarding tablespace quotas for the current user.
USER_USERS : Description of the current user.
USER_VIEWS : The views owned by the current user.
Main Dynamic Performance Views
V$_SEQUENCES : Allow users to query to see what the next sequence number will be without causing the sequence number to be incremented.
V$ACCESS : Displays objects in the database that are currently locked and sessions that are accessing them.
V$AQ : Messages in a specific database. Describes statistics for the queues in the database.
V$AQ1 : Describes statistics for the queues in the database.
V$ARCHIVE : Contains information on redo log files in need of archiving. Each row provides information for one thread. (also available in V$LOG).
V$ARCHIVE_DEST : Describes, for the current instance, all the archive log destinations, their current value, mode, and status.
V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS : Displays runtime and configuration information for the archived redo log destinations.
V$ARCHIVE_GAP : Displays information about archive gaps on a standby database.
V$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES : Provides information about the state of the various ARCH processes for the instance.
V$ARCHIVED_LOG : Displays archived log information from the controlfile, including archive log names.
V$BACKUP : Displays the backup status of all online datafiles.
V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO : Displays performance information about ongoing and recently completed RMAN backups and restores.
V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION : Displays information about corruptions in datafile backups from the controlfile.
V$BACKUP_DATAFILE : Displays backup datafile and backup controlfile information from the controlfile.
V$BACKUP_DEVICE : Displays information about supported backup devices.
V$BACKUP_PIECE : Displays information about backup pieces from the controlfile.
V$BACKUP_REDOLOG : Displays information about archived logs in backup sets from the controlfile.
V$BACKUP_SET : Displays backup set information from the controlfile.
V$BACKUP_SPFILE : Displays information about server parameter files in backup sets.
V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO : Displays performance information about ongoing and recently completed RMAN backups and restores.
V$BGPROCESS : Describes the background processes.
V$BH : Shows the data object ID, status and number of pings for all blocks in the buffer pool.
V$BSP : Depreciated. Use V$CR_BLOCK_SERVER.
V$BUFFER_POOL : Displays information about all buffer pools available for the instance.
V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS : Displays information about all buffer pools available for the instance.
V$COMPATIBILITY : Displays features in use by the database instance that may prevent downgrading to a previous release.
V$COMPATSEG : Lists the permanent features in use by the database that will prevent moving back to an earlier release.
V$CONTEXT : Lists set attributes in the current session.
V$CONTROLFILE : Lists the names of the controlfile.
V$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION : Displays information about the controlfile record sections.
V$COPY_CORRUPTION : Displays information about datafile copy corruptions from the controlfile.
V$CR_BLOCK_SERVER : Displays statistics on the block server background processes (BSPn) used in cache fusion. Used by Oracle Services.
V$DATABASE : Contains database information from the controlfile.
V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION : Displays information about database blocks that were corrupted after the last backup.
V$DATABASE_INCARNATION : Displays information about all database incarnations.
V$DATAFILE : Contains datafile information from the controlfile.
V$DATAFILE_COPY : Displays datafile copy information from the controlfile.
V$DATAFILE_HEADER : Displays datafile information from the datafile headers.
V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE : Contains rows that predict the number of physical reads for the cache size corresponding to each row.
V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE : Displays database objects that are cached in the library cache.
V$DB_PIPES : Displays the pipes that are currently represented in the shared pool for this instance.
V$DBFILE : Depreciated. Use V$DATAFILE instead.
V$DBLINK : Describes all database links opened by the session issuing the query on V$DBLINK.
V$DELETED_OBJECT : Displays information about deleted archived logs, datafile copies and backup pieces from the controlfile.
V$ENABLEDPRIVS : Displays which privileges are enabled. These privileges can be found in the table SYS.SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP.
V$ENQUEUE_LOCK : Displays all locks owned by enqueue state objects. The columns here are identical to the columns in V$LOCK.
V$ENQUEUE_STAT : Displays statistics on the number of enqueue (lock) requests for each type of lock.
V$EVENT_NAME : This view contains information about wait events.
V$EXECUTION : Parallel Execution view.
V$FAST_START_SERVERS : Provides information about all the recovery slaves performing parallel transaction recovery.
V$FAST_START_TRANSACTIONS : Contains information about the progress of the transactions that Oracle is recovering.
V$FILESTAT : Contains information about file read/write statistics.
V$FILESTATXS : Not listed in Oracle Documentation
V$FIXED_TABLE : Displays all dynamic performance tables, views, and derived tables in the database. V$Views and X$Tables.
V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION : Contains the definitions of all the fixed views (views beginning with V$).
V$GLOBAL_BLOCKED_LOCKS : Displays global blocked locks.
V$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION : Displays information on the currently active global transactions.
V$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN : Displays the columns in dynamic performance tables that are indexed (X$ tables).
V$INSTANCE : Displays the state of the current instance.
V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY : Monitors the mechanisms available to users to limit recovery I/O.
V$KCCDI : Not listed in Oracle Documentation
V$KCCFE : Not listed in Oracle Documentation
V$_LOCK : Not listed in Oracle Documentation
V$_LOCK1 : Synonym for the table V$_LOCK
V$LATCH : Lists statistics for non-parent latches and summary statistics for parent latches.
V$LATCH_CHILDREN : Contains statistics about child latches
V$LATCH_MISSES : Contains statistics about missed attempts to acquire a latch.
V$LATCH_PARENT : Contains statistics about the parent latch.
V$LATCHHOLDER : Contains information about the current latch holders.
V$LATCHNAME : Contains information about decoded latch names for the latches shown in V$LATCH.
V$LIBRARYCACHE : Contains statistics about library cache performance and activity.
V$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY : Displays information about memory allocated to library cache memory objects in different namespaces.
V$LICENSE : Contains information about license limits.
V$LOADISTAT : Contains errors that occurred when updating indexes on a table during a load using the Direct Path API.
V$LOADPSTAT : Contains statistics about the number of rows loaded into a partition, or subpartition, during a load using the Direct Path API.
V$LOCK : Lists the locks currently held by the Oracle server and outstanding requests for a lock or latch.
V$LOCKED_OBJECT : Lists all locks acquired by every transaction on the system.
V$LOG : Contains log file information from the controlfiles.
V$LOG_HISTORY : Contains log history information from the controlfile.
V$LOGFILE : Contains information about redo log files.
V$LOGHIST : Depreciated. Use V$LOG_HISTORY
V$MAX_ACTIVE_SESS_TARGET_MTH : Depreciated. The available active sesion pool resource allocation methods.
V$MLS_PARAMETERS : This is a Trusted Oracle7 server view that lists Trusted Oracle7 server-specific initialization parameters.
V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE : Contains rows that predict the number of physical I/Os for the MTTR corresponding to each row.
V$MYSTAT : Contains statistics on the current session.
V$NLS_PARAMETERS : Contains current values of NLS parameters.
V$NLS_VALID_VALUES : Lists all valid values for NLS parameters.
V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY : Can be used to determine what objects are depended on by a package, procedure, or cursor that is currently loaded in the shared pool.
V$OBJECT_USAGE : Use this view to monitor index usage.
V$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER : Lists obsolete parameters. If any value is true, you should examine why.
V$OFFLINE_RANGE : Displays datafile offline information from the controlfile.
V$OPEN_CURSOR : Lists cursors that each user session currently has opened and parsed.
V$OPTION : Lists options that are installed with the Oracle server.
V$PARAMETER : Lists parameters and their values in effect for current session.
V$PARAMETER2 : Lists parameters and their values in effect for current session with each value appearing as a row in the view.
V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE : Predicts how the cache hit percentage and over allocation count statistics displayed by the V$PGASTAT performance view would be impacted if the value of the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter is changed.
V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGRAM : Statistics display prediction on how the V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM dynamic view would be impacted if the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is changed
V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM : Dynamic view would be impacted if the value of the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter is changed.
V$PGASTAT : Provides PGA memory usage statistics as well as statistics about the automatic PGA memory manager when it is enabled.
V$PQ_SESSTAT : Lists session statistics for parallel queries.
V$PQ_SLAVE : Lists statistics for each of the active parallel execution servers on an instance.
V$PQ_SYSSTAT : Lists system statistics for parallel queries.
V$PQ_TQSTAT : This view contains statistics on parallel execution operations.
V$PROCESS : Contains information about the currently active processes.
V$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG : Contains descriptions of archived log backups which are taken with a new feature called Proxy Copy.
V$PROXY_DATAFILE : Contains descriptions of datafile and controlfile backups that are taken with Proxy Copy.
V$PWFILE_USERS : Lists users who have been granted SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges as derived from the password file.
V$PX_PROCESS : Displays information about parallel processes running in a session.
V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT : Contains statistics about parallel processes.
V$PX_SESSION : Contains session information about parallel processes.
V$PX_SESSTAT : Displays session statistics about parallel execution.
V$RECOVER_FILE : Displays the status of files needing media recovery.
V$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS : Contains one row for each datafile for each RECOVER statement.
V$RECOVERY_LOG : Lists information about archived logs that are needed to complete media recovery.
V$RECOVERY_PROGRESS : Can be used to track database recovery operations to ensure that they are not stalled.
V$RECOVERY_STATUS : Contains statistics of the current recovery process.
V$RESERVED_WORDS : Provides a list of all the keywords that are used by the PL/SQL compiler.
V$RESOURCE : Contains resource name and address information.
V$RESOURCE_LIMIT : Displays information about global resource use for some of the system resources.
V$RESUMABLE : See DBA_RESUMABLE. This is a guess.
V$RMAN_CONFIGURATION : Lists information about RMAN persistent configuration settings.
V$ROLLNAME : Lists the names of all online rollback segments. Can only be accessed when the database is open.
V$ROLLSTAT : Contains rollback segment statistics.
V$ROWCACHE : Displays statistics for data dictionary activity. Each row contains statistics for one data dictionary cache.
V$ROWCACHE_PARENT : Displays information for parent objects in the data dictionary.
V$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE : Displays information for subordinate objects in the data dictionary.
V$SEGMENT_STATISTICS : Displays information about segment-level statistics.
V$SEGSTAT : Displays information about segment-level statistics.
V$SEGSTAT_NAME : Displays information about segment-level statistics properties.
V$SESS_IO : Lists I/O statistics for each user session.
V$SESSION : Lists session information for each current session.
V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO : Displays information about network connections for the current session.
V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE : Displays information on cursor usage for the current session.
V$SESSION_EVENT : Lists information on waits for an event by a session.
V$SESSION_LONGOPS : Displays the status of various operations that run for longer than 6 seconds (in absolute time).
V$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE : Displays object cache statistics for the current user session on the local server (instance).
V$SESSION_WAIT : Lists the resources or events for which active sessions are waiting.
V$SESSTAT : Lists user session statistics. Query the V$STATNAME to find the name of the statistic associated with each statistic number (STATISTIC#).
V$SGA : Contains summary information on the system global area (SGA).
V$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS : Displays information about SGA resize operations which are currently in progress.
V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS : Displays information about the last 100 completed SGA resize operations.
V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS : Displays information about the dynamic SGA components.
V$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY : Displays information about the amount of SGA memory available for future dynamic SGA resize operations.
V$SGASTAT : Contains detailed information on the system global area (SGA).
V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE : Displays information about estimated parse time savings in the shared pool for different sizes.
V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED : Fixed view lists statistics that help you tune the reserved pool and space within the shared pool.
V$SORT_SEGMENT : Contains information about every sort segment in a given instance. This view is only updated when tablespace is a TEMPORARY type.
V$SORT_USAGE : Describes sort usage.
V$SPPARAMETER : Lists the contents of the SPFILE. The view returns NULL values if a PFILE was used to start up the instance.
V$SQL : Lists statistics on shared SQL area without the GROUP BY clause and contains one row for each child of the original SQL text entered.
V$SQL_BIND_DATA : Distinct bind variable in each cursor owned by the session querying this view.
V$SQL_BIND_METADATA : Distinct bind variable in each cursor owned by the session querying this view.
V$SQL_CURSOR : Displays debugging information for each cursor associated with the session querying this view.
V$SQL_PLAN : Contains the execution plan information for each child cursor loaded in the library cache.
V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS : Provides execution statistics at the row source level for each child cursor.
V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL : Contains memory usage statistics for row sources that use SQL memory (sort or hash-join).
V$SQL_REDIRECTION : Identifies SQL statements that are redirected.
V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR : Describes explains why a particular child cursor is not shared with existing child cursors.
V$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY : Displays information about the cursor shared memory snapshot.
V$SQL_WORKAREA : Displays information about work areas used by SQL cursors.
V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE : Contains an instantaneous view of the work areas currently allocated by the system.
V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM : Lists the number of optimal, one-pass and multiple-pass executions segmented by work area.
V$SQLAREA : Lists statistics on shared SQL area and contains one row per SQL string.
V$SQLTEXT : Contains the text of SQL statements belonging to shared SQL cursors in the SGA.
V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES : does not replace newlines and tabs in the SQL statement with spaces.
V$STATISTICS_LEVEL : Lists the status of the statistics/advisories controlled by statistics_level.
V$STATNAME : Displays decoded statistic names for the statistics shown in the V$SESSTAT and V$SYSSTAT tables.
V$SUBCACHE : Displays information about the subordinate caches currently loaded into library cache memory.
V$SYSSTAT : Lists system statistics. To find the name of the statistic associated with each statistic number (STATISTIC#), query the V$STATNAME view.
V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE : view except for system.
V$SYSTEM_EVENT : Contains information on total waits for an event.
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER : Lists parameters and parameter values that are currently in effect for this instance of Oracle.
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 : Lists parameters and parameter values that are currently in effect for this instance of Oracle.
V$TABLESPACE : Displays tablespace information from the controlfile.
V$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP : Displays the status of each unit for all temporary tablespaces.
V$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL : Displays the state of temporary space cached and used for a given instance.
V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER : Displays aggregate information per file per TEMPORARY tablespace regarding how much space is currently being used and how much is free.
V$TEMPFILE : Displays tempfile information.
V$TEMPORARY_LOBS : Displays temporary lobs.
V$TEMPSTAT : Contains information about file read/write statistics.
V$TIMER : Lists the elapsed time in hundredths of seconds.
V$TIMEZONE_NAMES : Lists valid time zone names.
V$TRANSACTION : Lists the active transactions in the system.
V$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE : Displays locks owned by transaction state objects.
V$TYPE_SIZE : Lists the sizes of various database components for use in estimating data block capacity.
V$UNDOSTAT : Displays a histogram of statistical data to show how well the system is working.
V$VERSION : Version numbers of core library components in the Oracle server.
V$VPD_POLICY : Lists all the fine-grained security policies and predicates associated with the cursors currently in the library cache.
V$WAITSTAT : Lists block contention statistics. This table is only updated when timed statistics are enabled.
Installing Oracle 10G...
12 March 2019