Installing Tibero 6 RDBMS on Scientific Linux 7.1

I am glad to introduce Tibero is a relational database management system.

I am glad to introduce Tibero is a relational database management system. It is able to do everything that others do and more. Active active cluster , Active passive disaster recovery solutions, row level locking and additional security abilities etc.

In this step-by-step aricle you will find detailed instructions on how to install stand alone tibero RDBMS installation. For details and setup files you can visit

Operating system : Scientific Linux 7.1 x86_64
Tibero : tibero6-bin-6_rel_FS02-linux64-109628-opt-tested.tar.gz
Memory : 3G
Server : Virtual machine on VirtualBox


Preparing operating system
Required rpm packages

install required packages

Kernel parameters
firstly backing up config files

For RHEL 6x

For RHEL 7x

Adding groups/user


ntp configuration

You should change ntp server addresses according to your requirements
Adding “-x” option

Adding Tibero environment settings to .bash_profile

demo license needed for installation you can obtain it from

Following steps will be done with tibero user

Installing and running Tibero

Please note that you should change character set according to software requirements


sys –> tibero
syscat –> syscat
to monitor what is going on

testing installation

to drop database