Oracle DNFS Settings and Database Cloning

Activating DNFS (Direct Network File System)

Oracle DNFS (Direct Network File System) is a solution provided by Oracle to access NFS located in NAS. It makes the integration of NFS and DB easier and optimal. This direct integration provides performance improvements with fast and scalable access. This article explains the activation of DNFS and the cloning of the Oracle DNFS database.

Activating DNFS (Direct Network File System)

Use the operating system to create the ZFS Storage, User and Group IDs.

Enable DNFS on database servers (on specific nodes in a Real Application Environment); this article describes how to open a backup taken from an RAC server consisting of 2 nodes, as a single instance.

The actual transaction:

#To disable the DNFS

#Restart the database to view the relevant DNFS line within the alertlog



# Mount options can vary according to the file type (dbf, redo, binary, rman backup).
Depending on the version, it is possible to mount files such as redo/datafile, vote, ocr on top of DNFS.

DNFS Settings and Database Cloning

Recommended reading:
How To Setup DNFS (Direct NFS) On Oracle Release 11.2 (Doc ID 1452614.1)
Mount Options for Oracle files when used with NFS on NAS devices (Doc ID 359515.1)
Step by Step – Configure Direct NFS Client (DNFS) on Linux (11g) (Doc ID 762374.1)
Clone your dNFS Production Database for Testing (Doc ID 1210656.1)
Recommended Patches for Direct NFS Client (Doc ID 1495104.1)
Direct NFS monitoring and v$views (Doc ID 1495739.1)
Direct NFS Frequently Asked Questions (Doc ID 1496040.1)
Direct NFS monitoring and v$views (Doc ID 1495739.1)

Solutions to possible problems:
Direct NFS: Failed to set socket buffer size.wtmax=[1048576] rtmax=[1048576], errno=-1
Database Alert Log entries: Direct NFS: Failed to set socket buffer size.wtmax=[1048576] rtmax=[1048576], errno=-1
FAQs related to Direct NFS (Doc ID 1496040.1)


To save the settings:

To query


Please check the values of the following parameters and bump up the max to be greater than 1056768.

Backup a DNFS

Making a backup for the clone

Cloning DNFS

The 2 node ASM Oracle has been cloned into a single node test environment.
Default settings in the server that will open the clone database, also known as the target database:

a. Should be at the same version and patch level as the original RDBMS

b. Where DNSFS settings are made

c.Mounts using Oracle options



rw, bg, hard, noint, rsize=32768, wsize=32768, tcp, actimeo=0, vers=3, timeo=6000 0

Step 1: Making a backup from the resource machine

Step 2: Setting the environment variables

Step 3: pfile

Step 4: Creating scripts

crtdb.sql Opens the database in nomount mode and creates a control file

dbren.sql Renames the dbf files and opens the database with open resetlogs


In case of error


An example of an orafstab file