11g R2 Oracle Data Guard Setup for Physical Standby Database

Switching to a DataGuard structure (primary - standby) increases a single instance database's accessibility.

This article explains the setup of DataGuard in Oracle 11G R2 database. Switching to a DataGuard structure (primary – standby) increases a single instance database’s accessibility.

The setup of DataGuard consists of below major parts:

    1. Configuration of the primary database
    2. Configuration of SQL*NET
    3. Preparation of standby database
    4. Creation of standby database
    5. Views to check the status

For our article, we will use an operational ERP database with a SID  of “erp”, to which a standby database will be added. Both the primary and standby database will have the same DB_NAME, but it will have a different DB_UNIQUE_NAME. Below are the configurations:


Parameter Primary Database Standby Database
DB_UNIQUE_NAME erpprm erpsby
IP Address
Hostname adb.sysdba.org sdb.sysdba.org

Configuration of the primary database

Step 1:

Configure the /home/oracle/.bash_profile file with the below parameter in server.

Primary DB

Step 2:

Update the /etc/hosts files. Add the following two lines (on both servers)

 Step 3:

Placing the Primary DB in ArchiveLog mode

Step 4:

Activating “Force Logging” in the Primary DB.

 Step 5:

Copy the password file from the primary DB server to standby DB server.

Step 6:

Step 7:

To synchronize the changes in the Primary DB with the Standby DB:

If db_recovery_file_des was used:

The previous line indicates that the RedoLogs will be moved to the Standby DB.

Step 8:

Add standby redo logfile in the primary DB.

Configuration of SQL*NET>>